Understanding My Invoice

Context on the individual items on your invoice.

Jonny avatar
Written by Jonny
Updated over a week ago

So you've created a test plan to fit your needs and launched. Now you've got an invoice with details of what exactly is being done and charged for.

We've designed the invoice to be as easy to understand as possible, but we appreciate that you may need some clarity on what each part means!

As always, we're here to help! Below is a full Glossary of potential items appearing on any given invoice.

Table of Contents

Standard Test Plan Items

These are items that will likely appear in some form on most invoices. Some may or may not be applicable depending on the Test Plan you have designed!

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Acquisition

    • Cost of sourcing players through our network

  • Go Testify Network - Participant First Incentive

    • The initial incentive for players, which covers up to the first hour of feedback.

  • Go Testify Network - Additional Participant Incentive(s)

    • Additional incentives to cover anything more than an hour of feedback.

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Management

    • Cost of full participant logistics management.

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Gender Split

    • If there is a required gender split, a fee applies to source and manage the required audience.

  • Go Testify Network - Test Logistics

    • The fee for logistical management of the test. This can vary depending on test length (how many hours of footage per player are required).

    • Includes a dedicated screener setup, management and moderation of screening/players to ensure accuracy before funneling into the test.

  • Content Analysis

    • Our intelligence analysis cost - Covers our systems analyzing participant feedback and prioritization.

    • Go Testify Network - This is paid on the Launch of a test based on the amount of feedback a customer requests.

    • Note: Any additional playtime (participants losing track of time etc.) will not be billed above what a customer has already paid.

    • Own Community - This is added to a regular customer invoice to be paid on the same date each month (the date of sign-up/subscription).

  • End to End Test Plan Review & Recommendations

    • Our team of Go Testify consultants provides comprehensive end-to-end reviews to identify any potential troubleshooting issues that may hinder your ability to obtain critical insights or waste your budget.

    • The following activities are included in the cost:

      • Review task clarity, if applicable

      • Review survey clarity & structure, if applicable

      • A quality assurance stability check of the build for the length of the test plan.

      • A report on our core findings

      • A pre-launch call (up to 1hr) to discuss findings & provide recommendations

      • Test Plan updates as agreed

    • Note: This activity would be completed after the test is launched on the platform

Tailored Add-Ons

These items are part of Tailored Tests and can only be arranged through a conversation with a member of our Customer Success team. If you would like to speak with someone about these, please reach out via the methods mentioned at the end of this article, or book a call via the option on the first screen of the test setup process!

Click each arrow to expand and learn more about the item you want!

Live Events

  • Go Testify Network - Live Event Logistics

  • Setup costs - including setting up a script, scheduling of an event, and participant organisation.

  • Go Testify Network - Live Event Support

  • Event management with a support team to handle/triage any issues. (2 team members per event)

  • Go Testify Network - Live Event Participant Additional Incentive

  • An additional incentive to encourage high conversion and participation in a live event and start at a specific time.

Co-Op Playtests

  • Go Testify Network - Unmoderated Co-Op Logistics

  • Setup costs - creating a landing page, screener referral, and scheduling participants to play together.

  • Go Testify Network - Unmoderated Co-Op Participant Additional Incentive

  • An additional incentive to participate in a Co-op event, which includes friend referral and scheduling participants to play together simultaneously.

Whitelisting/Limited Time Events

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Whitelisting Logistics

  • Managing/logistics of whitelisting participants with your team.

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Whitelisting Additional Incentive

  • An additional incentive to encourage players to provide relevant whitelisting information promptly (before playtest). E.G., An email address is needed to access build, discord access verification etc.

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Start Time Logistics

  • Limited time event/limited build access organisational cost of scheduling and managing participants to complete the test within a specific timeframe (E.g. a limited event window on specific dates)

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Start Time Additional Incentive

  • An additional incentive to encourage participants to engage during a specific timeframe/time period.

Additional Demographic requests

  • Go Testify Network - Additional Non-terminating Profiling Questions

  • Further information requested from screeners (We always provide our standard screener information, but if additional information needs to be added to the screener, this is charged here.

  • NOTE - These are always Non-Terminating; a participant will not be removed from a test based on these responses.

  • Go Testify Network - Specific Peripheral Requirement

  • If a specific game controller/method is required for the test, there are additional logistics/management processes; this also covers VR.

  • Go Testify Network - Specific Hardware Requirement

  • Specific, non-default devices to be used (e.g. a higher spec than the default on our platform).

  • Please see this article for a list of our Default Device specifications

  • Go Testify Network - Like/Love A Specific Genre

  • A split/prioritised genre. Our platform is set to be "Or" for any genre selected - If "And" only is required, this fee would be incurred.

    • E.G. Must like RPGs Or Strategy (Platform Default) vs Must like RPGs AND Strategy (Bespoke Request).

  • Go Testify Network - Must Have Played

  • If a participant must have played a specific game.

  • Please see this article for further information on complex audiences, as these may require a Recruitment investigation

  • Go Testify Network - Not Have Played

  • If a participant must not have played a specific game.

  • Please see this article for further information on complex audiences, as these may require a Recruitment investigation

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Age Split

  • If there are several age demographics required.

    • E.G., A group of 25-40 and a group of 40 plus.

  • Go Testify Network - Participant Plays Games Split

  • If you require a cohort split on time spent playing specific games per week.

    • E.G., You want a group of Participants who play for more than 5 hours per week and another who play for less than 5 hours per week.


  • Go Testify Network - Recruitment Investigation

  • An investigation is required to assess the feasibility of recruiting the audience required.

  • See this article for more information on what this involves

  • Go Testify Network - Additional Survey Participant Incentive

  • If there are multiple surveys per day (E.g. two on a final day or multiple milestone surveys), an additional incentive is given to the players for the total time spent engaged in your Test (not just gameplay).

  • Tailored Intelligence - Insight Setup

  • Tailored insights (if required) - involves logistical setup to train our intelligence to identify key moments and highlight them on your test.

  • Tailored Intelligence - Individual Insight(s)

  • A fee is applied for each individual insight requested.

Security Bolt-ons

Sometimes you want more peace of mind, especially when dealing with an unannounced title! We offer the options below in these cases, and all can be arranged via a chat with the Customer Success team as above!

  • Go Testify Network - Additional NDA Logistics

  • Setup, distribution, and collation if an additional NDA is required.

  • NOTE - Participant information will not be shared with customers unless absolutely necessary and only upon request.

  • Go Testify Network - Additional NDA Participant Additional Incentive

  • An additional incentive for participants (to encourage completion) if an additional NDA is required. Note, as above, An additional incentive is given to the players for the total time spent engaged in your Test (not just gameplay).

  • Go Testify Network - Security - Participation Identification & Verification

  • Logistical management of ID collection and additional verification of each participant.

  • Go Testify Network - Security - Participant Identification & Verification Additional Incentive

  • An additional incentive for participants (to encourage completion) if required. Note, as above, An additional incentive is given to the players for the total time spent engaged in your Test (not just gameplay).

Consultancy Bolt-ons

Need some advice? Perhaps you're unsure if you've covered everything you need to in your survey, or you would love to know where to start when building a community. We've got you covered. Chat with the team about any of these options!

  • Consultancy - Test Plan Proofing

  • Reviewing the test plan on the platform to ensure the highest chance of success with a member of our CSM team. (Note: This does not include a Participant Journey Check)

  • Consultancy - Test Plan Survey Creation

  • Creation of a Survey by the Go Testify team, which is then proofed and approved by you.

  • Consultancy - Community Building Framework

  • Education Call / Mini-Workshop on how to build your participant community and best practice tips.

  • Consultancy - User Research Framework

  • Education Call/ Mini-Workshop on implementing user research techniques into your projects.

  • Consultancy - Early Access Testing Framework

  • Education Call/ Mini-Workshop on implementing Early access testing for your project.

  • Consultancy - UX Assistance & Reporting

  • Full report by our GUR team - Includes Content analysis; pricing varies depending on the report type.

We hope you've found this helpful and that it answers any questions regarding your invoice. If you have any questions or want to chat, please contact us via the chat function at the bottom right of this page or support@gotestify.com.

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