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Trend Analysis with Testify AI

How to get the most out of our intelligence!

Jonny avatar
Written by Jonny
Updated over a year ago

Welcome to the new and improved Go Testify Intelligence!

We've designed it from the ground up to save you time and to get you to the heart of your research at pace. This reduces and can even eliminate the need for reports by helping you get the key trends to your team at lightning speed.

Our goal is that once a test is complete, you can order some Pizzas, round up your colleagues, and have a company lunch while reviewing the trends our intelligence has unearthed in a quick and accessible way. By the end of the lunch, you can decide what direction to go as a team and iterate that much faster!

This article will give you a quick rundown on how it works, what you should expect, and some great tips for using the platform. Let's get right into it!

How it Works

As feedback rolls in, our intelligence takes every participant session and analyses, organises and categorizes every second.

Within the Findings section, our AI will have compiled a list of critical findings for your team to explore in minutes, not days.

What to Expect When Viewing Findings

An Executive Summary


This is a high-level summary of the entire test, giving you an average Star rating and positives/negatives, immediately giving you a feel for what you should hone in on.

A List of Trends

Used for cross-referencing all participants and removing confirmation bias in what you watch.

  • It takes you from spending days hunting through content to minutes by;

    • Surfacing trends across every second of participant feedback.

    • Cross-referencing all those trends to remove noise.

    • Compiling critical findings and Summaries for your team to explore in minutes, not days.

Once the intelligence has worked its magic, all you need to do is start exploring and, most importantly, sharing with your team. You can share specific moments, players and more with your team with the click of a button, allowing them to dive straight into what's relevant.

The Ability to Access Those Moments at Pace

Clicking on trends lets you review each in detail, taking you directly to the relevant moments!

The Ability to Search Trends

These are the key categories across the test that you should focus on; these are all clickable to narrow down to the relevant trends you're interested in.

Top Tip - Search with word combinations from the Executive Summary to get started, and broaden from there!

Most Impacted Participant Journey

Used for understanding the Participant's end-to-end experience.

  • The intelligence adds context to the feedback by;

    • Analysing, labelling and transcribing every second of player feedback with more context.

    • Prioritising the Participants to watch first.

Tips and tricks to save more time!

We have designed the platform to be used in multiple ways for any number of scenarios, but to get you started; we recommend the following;

  • Review the Executive Summary

  • Cut & paste the keywords you're interested in straight into the Search box

  • Combine key words to find more trends that may be relevant

  • Use filters to focus on key aspects as found by the intelligence

  • Jump between clips using the pulldown menu at the top of the video or click the next/back buttons on either side

  • Watch Participants with more clips to get the full picture of their journey over time and see what might influence their thoughts.

  • Copy clips you want to share with the team, or just keep notes for your post-playtest pizza party!

  • Use the most impacted player journey to review any complete Participant Journey you may be more interested in.

There are some key limitations you should be aware of;

  • If you are recruiting with your own audience, we recommend they are primarily English-speaking. Our intelligence relies on verbal feedback, and we plan on introducing a wider language base in the future, but for now, primarily English will get you the most accurate results.

  • As the intelligence relies on verbal feedback, we recommend that you prepare your Participants for giving feedback. We advise preparing them to express how the game makes them feel and how they like or dislike key elements. This will ensure you get the feedback you need!

We hope you've found this helpful, and if you would like to know more, feel free to book a call with one of our team using the link below.

We can give you a demonstration even if you don't have a game or test in mind!

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