We have Updated our Platform!

Providing You with the Tools to Test with Confidence

Jonny avatar
Written by Jonny
Updated over a week ago

As part of our mission to free up your team to focus on delivering the ultimate experience to every Participant, we want to equip you with the best tools possible.

With this in mind, We've created a new streamlined end-to-end test setup to help you with arranging your playtests.

Planning out your playtest has become easier, with clear, straightforward prompts for you to follow, making it even easier to create a playtest your audience can easily complete, providing great feedback.

You should also notice that you have more options than ever before; so take a look, experiment a little and if you have any questions or would like to chat with someone, feel free to reach out to us via the chat function at the bottom right of the site or via support@gotestify.com.

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