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Getting Started with Go Testify

How to get your first test off the ground, and what to do with it once it's complete!

Jonny avatar
Written by Jonny
Updated over 4 months ago

Welcome to the platform! Here at Go Testify, we aim to help you get inside your players heads to build great games. We have designed our tools from the ground up to achieve this, and we've found that customers partner with us to;

  • Form Great Testing Habits - Plan, Design, and Iterate to make meaningful changes based on market feedback.

  • Make Better Decisions Faster - Our automated intelligence helps you get to moments that matter faster by highlighting your market needs and wants.

  • Reduce Market Risk - Testing frequently keeps you closer to the market, reducing risk upon release.

  • Align Internal Teams - Structured plans to help align internal team decisions and alleviate any conflicts.

You might think, "That all sounds great, but how does it work? What do I do with the platform now that I can access it?" Don't worry; we've got you covered.

Table of Contents

Preparing your test

If you are on the Pro plan you can create multiple projects; this is how we group tests on the platform, so usually, we would see customers using the game title or perhaps the phase of testing (X Game - Testing round 1) if there are several tests at a given time.

Once this is done, you can create a test within your projects. This takes you into the test setup; you'll see several sections along the top; these are as follows;


This is a top-level overview of the test, including the title of the test, the Development Stage and the Test Goals (what you want to achieve).


Which platform do you want to test on? Do you have a build (if it's a separate file you want to deliver to the participants) or a Web address (if you want them to download from or access a webpage to start the test e.g. steam page review, game trailer)?

Here are some tips on device specifications and preparations you should consider before running the test. We have additional articles that help with these topics;

You'll also see a section to request a QA or Participant Journey Check. We can perform this on your behalf. This covers the test from start to finish, highlighting any concerns arising from the test flow.


How do you want to find testers? Do you have a community that would love to take part in a test, or are you just starting out and needing help finding an audience? Perhaps you want fresh eyes on the test. You'll find options to suit your needs here.

My Testers

Here are some guides that help you test using Go Testify with your internal team, peers, friends & family, to get the most out of the tool.

Go Testify Network

If needed, we can source the right audience for your players, and you can specify what kind of audience you're looking for from the criteria listed.

Our system automatically selects the default demographics, which in our experience, are ideal for getting actionable insights.

You can also (if you wish) adjust the following;

  1. Age range, Gender ratio, and Country: You can adapt the range to your target audience or leave it open for a natural fallout.

  2. Genres: Find players who like/love specific genres/themes to tailor to the right tastes.

  3. Games: Find players with previous experience in similar titles, and tailor the recruitment to the right target audience.

For more insight, check out our Demographic Guide.

If you need a more complex audience that is outside of the options available, you can also book a call with us on this page.


What kind of test do you want to run? Do you want to get an initial feeling for how your game is received, or maybe you want to test the core loop and progression? This section dictates how the test progresses, including;

  • How many participants do you want to take part in the test?

  • How many sessions should they complete?

  • How long will the sessions be?

  • If the sessions should be once per day or unlimited (e.g. replicating daily play, events or when cooldown periods are required.)

  • A Participant welcome message and any special instructions that you may need them to follow.

  • We also request an email address to enable our support team to get in touch with you if needed. Usually, participants will reach out directly to us (especially if recruited through the Go Testify Network), and we might need to check in with you on their query!


Do you want to guide your participants to interact with certain items or events in the test? Perhaps you want them to complete specific objectives in specific sections? Tasks are how to guide participants to provide very focused feedback.

Participants are not guaranteed to follow tasks, so if you decide to implement them, keep them as brief and to the point as possible!

​Note; Tasks may not be suitable if you want a more natural form of feedback. As an example, assessing your onboarding/tutorial would require the player to experience and provide feedback without any prior knowledge or guidance in most cases.


You may want to probe your players further after their experience. Great! We have tools for that in this section.

Go Testify Survey - All contained within the Go Testify platform, you can add different surveys per session, multiples too if you want to have a benchmark survey alongside a daily survey, and all surveys can be reviewed on the platform in the Surveys section when the test is live (more on this later).

3rd Party Survey - You might already use an external provider to collate your surveys and want to keep everything together. No problem! Just pop in your participant link and select which session (if applicable) it should appear on. It will be delivered to participants within the Testify app!

NOTE: If your provider uses shortened links, such as TinyURL or Bitly, please use the FULL LINK, as redirects will not deliver the survey to the participant - If you're unsure how to gather this, click the shortened link and use the URL that appears in the web browser when the survey is displayed!

If you are still unsure what to ask in your survey that's okay! We have an excellent article on surveys here.

When you've got everything in place and you're ready to go, hit the Launch button at the top right of the platform!

Depending on how you want to recruit, you'll either be presented with a link to invite your participants (you can also get this from the "Invite Participants" option in the test), or our network will get to recruiting the players for you!

During a Test

Your test is live, and you've started seeing sessions. Great start! We also recommend monitoring the test whilst it's ongoing to ensure a smooth acquisition of players and valuable feedback.


When testing with your community, you'll want to monitor how quickly your participants join the test.

Let's say you're aiming for 20 participants, but you only see 2 or 3 in the first 24 hours; in this case, we'd suggest reaching out to your community for more participants or checking in with anyone you've sent it to who hasn't started yet. It's often the case that a little nudge can do the world of good!

This is especially important when running Progression tests; typically, you'll want as many people to start as possible to account for natural drop-off during the test. Sometimes life gets in the way and participants have to stop, that's ok! Having more than you need for the test at the start will counteract this.

When using the Go Testify Network, this is managed for you by the recruiter, so you can rest assured knowing it's handled!


If you need help with some aspect of the test, our support team are here to assist, no matter the query.

We have several Communication Channels;

  • Our Support Team provide Platform and Technical support and can be contacted via the methods described in this article; How to seek help via the support team.

  • Our Customer Success team can help with any account-related queries; you can contact them via email at

Reviewing Feedback

You've got your test data and closed the test; what's next? We've found that when reviewing the data, there are some key factors and priorities to consider. See below for more information!


The findings section is the core of our platform, this is where our customers get the most insight from any given test. We recommend starting here with your review. Key sections are;

Executive Summary

This is a high-level summary of the entire test, giving you an average Star rating and positives/negatives, immediately giving you a feel for what you should hone in on.

Key Trends

Used for cross-referencing all participants and removing confirmation bias in what you watch.

This takes you from spending days hunting through content to minutes by;

  • Surfacing trends across every second of participant feedback.

  • Cross-referencing all those trends to remove noise.

  • Compiling critical findings and Summaries for your team to explore in minutes, not days.


You can review surveys on the Go Testify platform here, grouped by question. This provides an overview of the entire test. For individual survey responses, see the players individually in the findings section - There is a tab in the right panel with the player responses.


This section is where the raw recordings are held; everything of relevance needed for a review is in the findings section of our platform, so you don't necessarily need to access this section at all.

However, we have updated the Recordings section to give an updated status of players as they participate as well as more information on the feedback they have provided.

Audio feedback can range from In-Depth to No Feedback.

If a player status is actively Recording, you will be able to watch them live stream it, to do this simply click Recording, a new tab will open and show you the player actively recording in real time!

For more information and great tips on using the gathered data, see our article on Trend Analysis with Testify AI.

There we have it, how to run and get the most out of a test. We hope this is useful to you, and please feel free to ask any questions via the support channels mentioned above or click the little bubble in the bottom right of this screen; we'll be glad to help!

Good luck with your tests!

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